Thursday, January 14, 2010

live by it

You know when you're going through blogs and you see something and it kinda makes your heart skip a beat, or you sorta need to catch your breath... Then you save it as your desktop background and start sending it to all your friends, ya I'm pretty sure you all know what I'm talking about.

Well without getting too deep and depressing on all of you, I stumbled across this perfect little quote yesterday and it woke me up. This IS my goal for 2010, even though I'm usually not a fan of the whole new years resolution thing. I dunno if it's just the timing in my life right now, but lately I tend to be a little critical and negative ( hey, don't judge, at least I can admit it!) I tend to talk more then I act( trust me I'm not proud of this!), but today this all changes. Today is the day I make things happen. We are all in charge of our own happiness, this is the key. We tend to depend on people around us to satisfy us, to make us HAPPY but at the end of the day until you are well in your mind and spirit nothing will feel OK. I truly believe that when you are strong and genuinely happy on your own, by yourself, everything else will fall into place. I have faith in this. This is my reality check. As of now I will no longer place so much energy on negative thoughts, I will think, work and expect only the best...I will work on myself by myself...

friends, hope this inspired you as much as it inspired me :)